We are looking for motivated people.

  • College or university graduates, new graduates, and former graduates
  • Experience in planning and organizing medical conferences, international meetings, seminars, and other events
  • Experience in website development and public relations
  • Experience in planning and managing group travel operations.
  • Medical Meeting Producer, Director
  • Seminar Director, Coordinator
  • Music, Drama, Performing Arts, Entertainment Producer
  • Candidates for director, deputy director, manager, and technical staff (stage, audio, lighting, and video) of convention centers, cultural halls, multipurpose complexes, stadiums, and arenas
  • International Conference Producer, International Conference Secretariat
Please send us your resume (plus work history for graduates) as an email attachment (address: (Substitute @ to *), subject: {Type of Employment} Application. We will reply to you within a few days with an email informing you of our future plans. We usually go through the steps of document screening, interview, presentation of employment conditions, and hiring.


  • Employee
  • Part-time worker
  • Specialist
  • Operating staff
We are recruiting for prospective college or university graduates, new graduates, and former graduates. Please confirm the details of the "Applicants," "Job Categories," and "How to Apply" on the left, and send us your resume (along with your work history if you are a former graduate) via e-mail.
We may recruit part-time or casual staff for the work we perform. Information will be posted on this site and elsewhere.
Interpreters, translators, writers, proofreaders, web designers, and technical staff (audio, lighting, and visual) may be registered as specialists and asked to do specific jobs. Please refer to the "How to Apply" section on the left before applying.
We may recruit staff to manage events (reception, guidance, facilitation, etc.). Information will be posted on this site and elsewhere.